Caroline's Christmas Doll

Two years ago Carol and I decided that we would team up and help each other sew Christmas gifts for our friends and families. Little did we know what that Christmas sewing would lead to. Sewing together seemed to light a creative spark in us that had been dim for some time.

Here we are, in 2011, finally getting to start our Christmas sewing again. I think that I speak for both Carol and I when I say that this is one of citymade’s favorite times of the year.

Most of our Christmas projects will have to wait until after Christmas to be shown on our blog but, since Caroline is not an avid citymade blog reader yet, we have decided to post one of her gifts.

Caroline’s Christmas doll

This doll was one of those projects that flowed so nicely and came together beautifully, if only we could say that about every project.

Caroline has already taken a liking to baby dolls and will “attack” anytime one of her big sisters is playing with one. I decided that it was time for her to have her own dolly to play with. This doll happens to be extra special because it is made from Caroline’s baby clothes that she has already outgrown. Do I even need to say that, “It happens all too fast.”

This is not citymade’s first baby clothes project (baby clothes quilt) and probably not our last.

This is a project that I am excited about doing again and tweaking a little bit. As artists we are always trying to learn and improve…that is half the fun!

It is so neat to look back two years and see where we began and see how far we have come. We are also excited to see where we will be in two more years, the possibilities are endless.

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2 Responses to Caroline's Christmas Doll

  1. Mary Lou Semroska says:

    So cute and so special because of the materials, you are so special, love you, grandma

  2. Susan says:

    I just now discovered your website with a few things you have made, but I just Love this doll you made it’s just way to cute. I also loved the way your baby looked with the flower head covering I’m sure anyone would love to have a garden like that “:) I don’t have a website but I love to look for ideas to make as gifts for family & friends. I appreciate sites that allow us to print the patterns/tutorials etc. And if I do print them I always leave the website & important information on it. I know I will enjoy looking at your other items. Thanks for sharing them.
    Susan [Sunny California] “:)

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