Category Archives: Organization

A Basket Divided

Well, summer is almost done. The kids start school, Melany and I go back to our perspective jobs. However, we had one more giant burst of creative energy so we decided to make baskets. Bunches of baskets. With cool dividers. … Continue reading

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Baby Shower gift set

(Carol here) O.k. So I have been obsessed with divided baskets. Making them, not buying them. I was determined to figure out how to make one. I managed to muddle my way through. Here is my first attempt. Not too … Continue reading

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Spring Cleaning-Closet totes

Spring is coming…at least we hope.  We have definitely been getting the itch to clean and organize.  The Spiehs house recently had an “operation closet redo”.  I really wanted to utilize the doors in our coat closet and hung a … Continue reading

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Handmade Christmas-Part Three: Peace Sign Baskets and Pj's

Carol and I really enjoy making gifts for each other’s kiddos.  The girls, and sometimes boys, are very interested in what projects we are working on and love it when we make something for them. For Christmas this year, Carol … Continue reading

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Citymade spring clean

While we were busy getting ready for our second Farmer’s Market of the season, we took a look around our work space and thought it needed a bit of spring cleaning. One of the things that inspired the clean up … Continue reading

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Bag with a secret

  “They say a secret is something you tell one other person” –U2 “The Fly” So I’m telling you, dear reader about our bag with a secret. These are some of our favorite bags to use and to make. It … Continue reading

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Early Spring Clean

It is a bit early for Spring, but we are hopeful and it’s always a good time to re-evaluate and organize. We at citymade decided to tackle our out-of-control fabric scrap bin. Seriously out of control. It’s just so hard … Continue reading

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Happy 2012!

We’re back. We took a few weeks off to enjoy the Holidays with family and friends. Now we are back and looking forward to a productive city made year! We were busy right up until Christmas and once again, we … Continue reading

Posted in Accessories, Home Decor, Organization | Tagged | 1 Comment

Swagger Wagon

If we haven’t said it a million times before, we love to sew! Not only do we love sewing as an activity, we love all of the nouns that surround the activity. The beautiful and interesting textiles the bold and … Continue reading

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citymade is now pinning on pinterest

We recently discovered the awesomeness of online bulletin boards.  Carol and I thrive on organization which made pinterest so appealing to us.   Pinterest is a new website that allows the user to create bulletin boards, pin pictures from websites … Continue reading

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