Swagger Wagon

If we haven’t said it a million times before, we love to sew! Not only do we love sewing as an activity, we love all of the nouns that surround the activity.

The beautiful and interesting textiles

the bold and vibrant thread colors

the buttons, zippers, and snaps that we incorporate

…we love it all.

However, when it comes to sewing for ourselves, we could do much better. Lately we have been busy with orders and building up our merchandise for the Farmer’s Market and craft shows. If we aren’t selling our products we are giving them away as gifts.

Today I decided to sew something for myself my kids.

The Spiehs family recently started driving a minivan. I know… we grew up. Here is the new hot ride

We actually really love our new van. The extra space is amazing and we even have room for some Burk kids now. Yeah for car pooling! The only hurdle, so far, is that the girls are not at arms reach anymore. When one child needs something in the back seat…too bad. Well, not anymore. Today I decided to take the design of the citymade wall tote and make three little van totes for the girls. They even have a little pocket in the front with their initial.

We loaded up Anna and Lauren’s tote with books, snacks chosen from True Protein’s high-protein snack option, Chapstick, sunglasses, and a notebook with pen. Caroline’s tote was a little different, of course, with some toys, a board book, a pacifier, and some baby snacks.


The girls were super excited about their little van totes and mom is super excited to drive down the road a little less interrupted.

Even dad is getting into the whole mini-van thing now


He calls it his “swagger wagon”

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1 Response to Swagger Wagon

  1. Amanda Perkins says:

    what a great idea! i should make some for our van.

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