Tag Archives: repurpose

Fabric Printing, part 5

Carol here. Continuing on with our painted fabric week we present toys to fabric to snack bag. My kids have hundreds of little plastic animals. Since they are getting older, they don’t play with them so much anymore. We thought … Continue reading

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Fabric Printing, part 4

When we planned this week, we emptied out our “repurpose bin”, (yes, we have a bin full of odds and ends that we want to reuse), and looked through it. We found this lid from a peanut butter jar, put … Continue reading

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Fabric Printing, part 3

Anytime we take a piece of clothing apart, to repurpose it, we salvage all the buttons, zippers, and trim. As a result, we are left with quite a collection of buttons. We wanted to see what would happen if we … Continue reading

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Fun Fabric Printing, part 2

Because Melany and I sew a lot, we have many empty thread spools lying around. (We have used them in a past post). This time we wanted to see what would happen if we put a little paint on one … Continue reading

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Fun Fabric Printing

We have always liked printing on fabric (Melany more than me). We print on our reusable produce bags using leaves, stamps or stencils. This time we wanted to use found objects to use to print on fabric. The results were … Continue reading

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Thrifty organizer to fun shelf

Our final thrift store find was this drawer organizer for silverware. Honestly, it was nice, but it looked to large to fit in any kitchen drawer we had. We decided to decoupage some Pokemon characters and use it as a … Continue reading

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Going Thrifting, Part 5

We found this interesting table cloth. It was a bit worn and had some holes and a few stains. We decided to use it to make a kitschy apron. We were able to cut around the holes and added pockets … Continue reading

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Going Thrifting part 4

Yet another funky thrift store find, we both liked this magnet board. We just weren’t thrilled with the color or the condition. It was a little beat up looking. We put 2 coats of chalkboard paint (our new favorite thing!), … Continue reading

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Going Thrifting part 3

Fun thrift store fact: we spent just under $10 for all seven of our finds.  Some thrift stores will have 50 percent off days or will make deals with you. Yet another reason why thrift stores are awesome. This embroidery … Continue reading

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Shoe box with style

We are forever having to buy new shoes for kids (with 5 citymade pairs of kid feet between Melany and I). So we almost always have empty shoe boxes. Of course shoe boxes make great storage, but they don’t have … Continue reading

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