Handmade Christmas-Part Two: Jeff's iphone Case

Citymade husband Jeff loves to hunt…

…for the perfect product that is.  He has been hunting for the perfect iphone case for months.  He has been showing me pictures of various cases over the internet and he really liked a case that he saw on Etsy but it didn’t come with a card pocket, which was one of his requirements.  If any of you know Jeff, he is very particular about certain things.  He has a very detailed idea of what he wants and will search for months or even years before he finds it.  I decided that the only way that he was going to get exactly what he wanted was if I custom-made him a phone case.

I found gray felted wool at Hobby Lobby as well as leather and snaps.  Here are some pictures of the finished product.





Jeff really likes his new iphone case…the hunt is over.

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