Anna's Raggedy Ann Stool

Anna made this great stool out of a Styrofoam box.  She came up with the idea all on her own.  I am going to let her tell you about it:

Mom: Anna, what gave you the idea to make a stool out of this box?

Anna: Cause I saw the box and just thought that it could be a stool.

Mom:  What did you do first?

Anna: Traced the box on the fabric.

Mom: How did you choose the fabric?

Anna: Cause it matched our room

Mom:  What did you do next?

Anna: Cutted it.

Mom:  How did you help me sew it together?

Anna:  Pressing the button up and down.

Mom:  What do you think about your finished product?

Anna:  It is pink and it is Raggedy Ann and it matched our room really good.

Anna:  I am sitting on the stool and smiling and I was finished.

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